India in history

 The Indian history

India gate

 India is a country in South Asia whose name (India) comes from the Indus river. The designation name is Bharat is used for country in their Constitution the country in Constitution referencing Ancient mythological emperor, Bharata, story is told, in part, in the Indian epic Mahabharata. According to writtings known as Puranas Bharata conquared the whole sub-continent of India ruled the land in BharatavarshaHomonid activity in the Indian sub-continent streches back over 250,000 years and is one of the oldest in habited regions on the planet. 

Archaeological excavation

Archaeological excavation have discovered artifacts used by the early humans, with stone tools, which is an extremely early date for human habitation with technology in the area. While with the cilivations of Mesopotamia and the Egypt have been the over looked, in the West, her history and culture is just a rich. 

Archaeological excavation

Pre history

Taj mahal

Areas of the present days India, Pakistan, Nepal have been provided archaeologists, scholars with the richest sites of most ancient pedigree. The Homoheidelbergensis inhabited, sub-continent of India before humans migration into region known as Europe. Evidence of the existence of Homo-heidelbergensis was first, in Germany discovery in 1907 and, since, further have established discoveries fairly clear migration patterns of species out of Africa

Map of india

Recognition of the antiquity of their persence in India have been largely due to fairly late archaeological interest in areas as, unlike work in Egypt and Mesopotamia. The  village of Balathal to cite only one example, illustrates the antiquity of the Indian history of dates to the 4000 CE and the excavation were not the Begun until the 1990's CE. Archaeological excavation's the fifty years past, have dramatically changed the understanding of the India's past and the, by the extension, world of the history. A 4000 year of old skeleton was discovered at Balathal in 2009,CE provides the oldest evidence of the leprosy in the India. Prior to this find, leprosy was been considered a much younger desease thought to have been the carried from Africa the India at the same point and then from India to the Europe by the army of Alexander the great by following his death in 323 BCE. It is now almost undertood that the significant human activity was under way in the India by Holocene period of 10,000 years ago. 

Old india flage on stone

And that many of historical assumptions is based upon the early work in Mesopotamia and Egypt, need to be reviewed and revised . The beginning's of vedic tradition in the India, still it is practiced even today, can now be dated, at least in part ,to the indigenous people of the ancient sites such as the Balathal rather than then, it is as often claimed, wholly to the Aryan invasion of C.1500 BCE

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